ROOK autopilot to support auto waypoint and auto landing guidance

The ROOK autopilot is a NON-TSO autopilot device set in 5cm diameter cockpit standard mount designed and manufactured by Toucan Avionics to install on experimental aero vehicles such as ultra light gyro planes and airplanes.

The ROOK autopilot has two abilities first, the auto waypoint guidance system as pre-defined waypoints under different profiles while each profile stores 10 waypoints second, the auto landing localizer guidance system. Both abilities are selectable by pilot during flight means pilot can surf between waypoints and landing sites.

Mean while ROOK autopilot has two channel servo PWM signal out to control roll and pith for both features as auto waypoint guidance system and auto landing localizer guidance system, pilot can use the information available on display to pass the waypoints manually just like radio navigation systems in commercial flight such as VOR/NDB/ADF by direction correction indicator also precision landing by using localizer correction indicator while landing profile is activated, just like ILS in commercial flight.

The ROOK autopilot has internal memory to store all waypoints and landing profiles. They are remained store in internal memory even without electricity and user can modify/delete/add new waypoints and landing points ( runway ) by laptop/pc connection. Special application available for users to edit information and store them on ROOK memory.

The ROOK autopilot has two channels DC power support port, first directly avionic power line bus second to backup battery ( optional in order page ).

Toucan Avionics offers the ROOK autopilot with external GPS-GLONASS-INS module installable on aircraft body, means no need to provide or buy GPS line, while user can user available GPS/GLONASS line transmit line to the ROOK autopilot.

ROOK autopilot in a glance :

  • Standard instrument panel installation
  • Auto waypoint guidance system by different user-define profiles
  • Auto landing localizer guidance system by different landing runway site pre-define by user
  • Supports two pwm output for servo motor to control roll and pitch
  • Main and backup power switch key support
  • Package included external GPS/GLONASS/INS
  • Standard transmitter port to provide auto pilot data for flight recorder devices
  • Standard transceiver port to support other GPS/GLONASS models
  • Wi-Fi based radio link (Optional ) / Serial commucation with special application to edit/remove/add/view waypoints and runways
  • Internal long time memory for waypoints and runway landing sites
  • Good size mono color LCD which provided numerical indicators for pilot to view autopilot process and manual flight direction control for both waypoints and landing localizer guidance.


ROOK autopilot package includes :

  • User manual
  • Pilot check list
  • PC application CD ( Also new version available on customer care service - ToucanAvionics.Com web site )
  • ROOK autopilot device
  • External GPS/GLONASS/INS system with 5 meter standard wiring
  • Standard DB-25 connector with wiring

PC application schema : ( Click here to view YouTube clip about configuration software  )