NON-TSO AirSpeed indicator with adjustable stall warning light

TA-NON-TSO wide range airspeed indicator is a digital airspeed indicator with analog schema. It has special future as adjustable stall warning light. It has standard I/O serial port which supports AT commands. Also via this serial I/O port it broadcasts raw and calibrated data to provide information on avionic bus for such a system like flight data recorder.

Via AT-Commands the avionic maintenance user can check indicator needle or re-calibrate it, also set the stall warning light limitation and re calibration of internal airspeed sensor.

This instrument has 3 standard pin on 8 cm surface schema. It needs 9 V DC up to 15 V DC power supply from main avionic power bus.

Also Toucan Avionic provides standard transceiver port to show the avionic bus airspeed number from the other digital port.

TA-NON-TSO Airsspeed indicator package does content :

3 meters airspeed standard pipe


External dynamic pitot port with heater ( 12 V DC )


External Km/h AirSpeed indicator ( optional ) with digital link


Dynamic and static ports combox

User manual
USB connector for PC/ANDROID
Serial monitoring application for Windows and Andoid

Sample of AT-Command communication :